JSEALS Standing Committee

The Standing Committee ensures the maintenance of high academic standards by: It also serves as the Editorial Board for JSEALS.  See the submission guidelines.
Mark Alves, Montgomery College (Maryland) (Mark dot Alves at montgomerycollege dot edu)
George Bedell, International Christian University (gdbedell at yahoo dot com)
Mark Brunelle, University of Ottawa (Canada) (mbrunell at uottawa dot ca)
Gerard Diffloth, Ecole francaise d'Extreme-Orient (Siem Reap) (gdiffloth at gmail dot com)
San San HNIN TUN (INALCO / LACITO) (san-san.hnin-tun at inalco dot fr)
Peter Jenks, UC Berkeley (jenks at berkeley dot edu)
Deth Thach Joseph (INALCO, Paris) (joseph dot thach at inalco dot fr)
Marlys Macken, University of Wisconsin-Madison (macken at facstaff dot wisc dot edu)
Brian Migliazza, SIL International (brian_migliazza at sil dot org)
Peter Norquest, University of Arizona (norquesp at email dot arizona dot edu)
Amara Prasithrathsint, Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok) (Amara dot Pr at Chula dot ac dot th)
Martha Ratliff, Wayne State University (ac6000 at wayne dot edu)
Paul Sidwell (Editor in Chief), CRCL (Bangkok) & University of Sydney (paulsidwell at yahoo dot com)
Keralapura Shreenivasaiah Nagaraja, Deccan College (Pune) (ksnagaraja2006 at gmail dot com)
Sophana Srichampa, Mahidol University (Thailand) (sophana at gmail dot com)
Alice Vittrant (Universite de Provence / CNRS-LACITO) (vittrant at vjf dot cnrs dot fr)
Justin Watkins, SOAS, (London) (jw2 at soas dot ac dot uk)

The JSEALS website is maintained by the Center for Research in Computational Linguistics.  Please send requests for additions, corrections, or information to doug.cooper.thailand at gmail.com.  Editorial queries should be directed to paulsidwell at yahoo.com