SEALS I: 1991
Papers from the First Annual Meeting of the
Southeast Asian Linguistics Society
SEALS I: 1991
Martha Ratliff & Eric Schiller, editors (1992)
ISBN 1-881044-03-3
*to obtain copies of any particular papers, send your request to PSEAS. $5.00 for the first paper and $1.00 for each additional paper << Order Form >>
Table of Contents
- Beckwith, C.I. Deictic class marking in Tibetan and Burmese
- Benedict, Paul Suparsegmentals in Southeast Asia
- Bresnahan, Mary Multilingual word play in a Tagalog text
- Burusphat, Somsonge Highlighting through the particle ?swe in Sgaw Karen narrative discourse
- Chelliah, Shobhana L. Tone in Manipuri
- Clark, Marybeth Conjunctions as topicalizers: more on Southeast Asian languages
- Compton, Carol J. Lao pronoun usage as reflected in post-1975 literature
- Diffloth, Gerard Vietnamese as a Mon-Khmer language
- Duanmu,San A featural analysis of some onset-vowel interactions
- Edmondson, Jerold A. Pa-hng development and diversity
- Henry, George M., John F. Hartmann, and Patricia B. Henry FLIS: Audible computer-aided language learning for Southeast Asian
languages: observations after a year of use
- Jagacinski, Ngampit Waa and complement-taking predicates in Thai
- Lehman, F.K. The phonology of standard Upper Burmese, with particular reference to its implications for Burmese historical phonology
- Longmire, B. Jean Projecting a Cambodian social identity
- Longmire, B. Jean Teaching values: interaction in a Cambodian classroom
- McHale, Michael L. and Leticia S. Tagalog: a null subject language with variant morphology
- Manaster-Ramer, Alexis What's a topic in the Philippines?
- Matisoff, James A. The Mother of All Morphemes: augmentatives and diminutives in a real and universal perspective
- Riddle, Elizabeth and Herbert Stahlke Linguistic Typology and Sinospheric languages
- Sagart, Laurent Chinese tones from Austronesian final consonants
- Sanchez, Norie and Alan M. Stevens Reduplication and affixation in Indonesian
- Schiller, Eric Autolexical Solutions to the problem of 'parts-of-speech' in Southeast Asian langauges
- Thurgood, Graham The aberrancy of the Jiamo dialect of Hlai: speculation on its origins and history
- Vu The Thach Consonant copying and tone harmony in Vietnamese reduplicatives
- Wong-opasi, Uthaiwan The interplay between tone, stress, and syllabification in Thai